Kim and Kandi are continuing to work in the studio and get the song together. Kim continues to feel jittery and nervous in singing her song in front of people. Really and truly Kim can not sing at all!! Thank GOD for technology and Kandi's skills. They have been working on the song and getting things right.
Kim and Kandi have very close birthday's so Kim decides to throw a party for both her and Kandi as a way to show her appreciation. She is trying to go all out and basically make the party as expensive as possible and give everyone something to talk about. I really wish I could throw lavish parties all the time because I have nothing else to do!! She even hires party planners!! You would think she would be able to throw a party by herself as many parties she has went to and thrown herself. She want to invite all the important people in Atlanta, well that is except for NeNe and her nasty attitude! She plans for the party to be a K&K affair. These two are becoming real close. I wonder how this friendship will develop??