Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Let's Talk about Wigs!!
She by Sheree Countdown
Meanwhile Dwight is doing all the hard work and making all the decisions for the show. You would have thought that it was his and not Sheree. Sheree has a nonchalant attitude about it all and does not speak up about what she wants for the show but just lets Dwight take control.
I wish YOU the best KANDI!!
Meanwhile Kandi takes her mom and AJ to the therapist to try to work out her problems because it is really tearing her apart. AJ talks about how he does not have anything against Kandi's mom and how he wants to get along and try to be accepted by her. He does not want any problems with Kandi's mom because he loves her so much. Kandi's mom talks of how she does not like AJ because he has six kids by 4 different women. She does not want Kandi to have to go through all the drama and feels that AJ only wants to be with Kandi for her money to help pay child support. Hey, she does have some really good points there. They try to work it out but Kandi's mom is stuck in her ways and is not budging.
I wonder how the party will turn out??
Lisa wants a baby . . . .
Careers, Careers, Careers!
NeNe is working with her Twisted Hearts Foundation and plans a high heel marathon to get people in the community involved. I feel it was really good for NeNe to start this foundation for women of domestic violence. It was a very big thing for her to do.
Kim is working on her wig business and trying to get it started. Me, personally, i do not like Kim's wigs at all they are extremely too big for her head and you can tell that they are fake. I would never purchase one!
Kandi has appointments with Capitol Records and is trying to see if she can get a record deal. She is doing really well having just come out with her single. She is working very hard in the studio.
Sheree is shooting her Promo video for her fashion show, as a way to advertise it and get more people to come! Who has ever thought of a promo video for a fashion. I have not and neither has Dwight who does not agree with it at all!
She by ?Dwight??
A K&K Affair
Flying Above all the haters!
Check it out!!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
K&K BFF's??


Thursday, November 12, 2009
Save the Drama for Your Moma!!!

All the Women who Independent!!! . . Throw Your Hands up at Me!!

Today is the day of Sheree's independence party she is so excited and ready for the festivities. The painter is putting last minute touches on her self portrait. Sheree is looking for a new look and goes with bangs, the new hair trend, to give herself a young sexy look. Many people are coming in to the party, even ALL the housewives , including Kim who really did not get along with Sheree all that well but decided to come and support. Lisa comes as well, on time and dressed appropriately, the opposite as Sheree at her clothing line debut. Lisa did just as she says. Of course, Kim and Kandi are at the the party together. Kim, adorned with decorated crutches which I mite say are rather "snazzy".
Sheree makes a grand entrance and every is shocked by her new look and really like. The party is going well and everyone is enjoying the entertainment, even Sheree's mom. The painter debuts the self-portrait of Sheree, which is very surreal. It looks like a picture. It shows the innocence (what innocence idk) in Sheree's eyes. Everyone likes the picture but is appalled by how huge the picture is!! It is GIGANTIC!??! Everyone wonders where in the world Sheree is gonna put this huge picture in her home?? Who would want to put a picture that big int here home unless they are conceited! (hint, hint)
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Don't be tardy for this party!!
Sheree is getting ready for her party. She wants a life size picture of herself, why I am not sure. But she even goes to a professional painter to paint her a life size portrait. She wants her picture to show what kind of person that she is. She wants everything to be perfect and is trying to get everything together.
Kim has Big Poppa back in her life and they seem to be getting serious??? I guess he has finally left his wife??
These housewives are definitely a trip and I am wondering how Sheree's party will turn out with them all together!??!
Pocketbook Monologues
Sheree is planning for her Independence party, you know since the first planning was a disaster. She is getting all of her plans together so that this party can be a success. NeNe is trying to get things right for her book, even meeting with her book co writer. Yes, she is getting someone else to write her own autobiography. Meanwhile Kim has decided that this song is such a big milestone in her life that she does not want NeNe to be included anymore, because she feel that NeNe will not take as serious as she does.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Party Party Party!?!?!
Kim begans to complain about how the pain in her leg is getting worse. Even though NeNe feels it is tacky, she decides to reveal the pictures outside. She reveals Kim's first "so that she can leave and stop complaining."Everyone is so amazed at how good they look and how they came out. Meanwhile Kim goes to the hospital to see about her legs.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Alter Egos Revealed
Meanwhile, Sheree is working out as he always is with her personal trainer Cliff. Cliff tries to get personal and ask Sheree about her preference in men. Sheree is really lost for words, she does not even know herself. Also she does know is that she is very picky and will not settle for just anything!! I am sensing in other words someone who has lots of money and status!! I guess Cliff feels he knows Sheree oh so well and tries to fix her up with one of his friends, who Sheree has no interest in whatsoever!! He kind of set her up, he invited her to his bodybuilding show and "introduced" them and left them to get ready for the show!! Men should stay out of relationships!! Since when are men matchmakers??
Kim and Kandi are working on the "Tardy for the Party". Kandi is trying to turn it into a hit because she does not want anything she does to get a bad rap or be anything but the best. She has a reputation that she wants to keep. The music sounds great!!! She calls Kim over to try and get starting on the revamp, but Kim is scared and does not want to sing!! WHAT!?!? Maybe it is because she realizes that she CAN'T!?!?! Kandi soothes Kim and convinces her to sing. She does sing but you can definitely tell she is nervous. She loosens up once they use all the technology to make her sound like she can actually can sing!!!
These housewives have ALOT on thier hands!! I wonder what the outcome will be??
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
So Much On the Agenda!!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Just a little too Much for TV . . .NeNe
Sheree's photo shoot goes pretty well. They want to give off the effect of her strangling herself for money. Kandi is used as the "Stunt Double" to make the strangling look real. Even though Sheree is supposed to be acting, she still puts some realness into, almost hurting poor Kandi.
NeNe is the last photo shoot for the day . . . I guess she wanted to save the BEST for the last??? NeNe is dressed out as stripper and a scandalous stripper at that. she has on a very tight, a little too tight, bustier with her cleavage almost showing. For her photo shoot, she swings around the stripper pole, like an expert, and is having too much "explicit" fun. Save it for your husband NeNe, remember him, the old man you married??? Kandi decides to direct NeNe in the photo shoot. but she obviously does not need any directing. She wants to make fun of people that say she is a stripper, but I must say she did look like she knew what she was doing!!! Do you have something to tell us NeNe???
I must say I am totally ready to see the debut of the pictures!! It going to be VERRRRY interesting and quite entertaining!!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Pose for the camera . . . . Now "CLICK, CLICK"
Lisa starts off the photo shoot and does a very good job playing out her alter role. The makeup looks for good and realistic, she does not even look at herself. Even though she has to change wardrobe twice it take that long at all.
The next shoot was with Kandi and her drunk driving scene. This was very emotional for Kandi, and hard for her to do but she gets through the shoot and has great shots.
Tensions rise as Sheree and Kim are getting their make-up done for the shoot. Sheree calls Kim's name, and every one is thinking how the drama is about to explode!!!!! But in truth, Sheree only wants to talk to Kim about Kandi's predicament and feels that everyone should come together and put aside their differences to help Kandi in her time of need. They actually, for the first time ever hold a civilized and mature conversation. Good Job Guys!!!!!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
More Updates on the death of AJ

On a very sad note . . . . RIP AJ*

Sunday, October 4, 2009
Alter Ego's
Lisa- Lisa photo shoot is good girl, bad girl. Lisa can be very nice and sweet towards everyone but if you press the wrong button she will snap on you and turn into your worse nightmare.
Sheree- Sheree is photo shoot is victim, robber. It is a way to mimic her divorce settlement of seven figures, which she has not received yet. It's making fun of how she will probably have to steal it just to get it from her ex husband..
NeNe- She always wants to be the main attraction . For her photo shoot she wants to play a very modest women/stripper. She wants to make fun of all the rumors that have been circulating about her being a stripper.
Kandi- Kandi photo shoot is a drunk driver/victim. Her photo shoot is the only serious one out of the bunch. Some of her family members were involved in a car accident with a drink driver. While some were okay, one of was placed in ICU. Kandi wanted to send a message to other people about how serious drunk driving really is.
Kim- At first NeNe wanted Kim to be white girl/black girl but for some reason Kim refused. She didn't want to do that but had no other suggestions. Then she decided that she wanted to do housewife/mistress. I thought the purpose of the photo shoot was to play a part outside of your character??? Kim was her "sugar daddy's" mistress, but maybe she didn't see it the way we did?
This will obviously be a very interesting photo shoot!!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Alter Ego's more like Split Personalities
Sheree, who has not even settled her divorce or received the monetary settlement, but yet she is worrying about getting her fashion show together. I mean is this really important right now Sheree?? I mean you never see her (or NeNe)spending time with her kids, which she should be doing because they too are going through the divorce with her too. But she is really trying to kick start her clothing line "She by Sheree".
Monday, September 28, 2009
Kim and Kandi . . . Phony or "Ph"riends??
New Bonds & New Friendships
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Peace After the Storm . . . . Well Sort Of
Lisa feels that it is about time she visits her family in L.A. but has been hesitant ever since the death of her brother. She really doesn't want to contemplate on how she will never see him again and it scares her.
Kim is getting fed up with her nanny, who tries to tell her what to do with her own kids. She even has the nerve to tell Kim's daughter that she was going to hell for rapping a prayer!! She even left the kids home alone to go to the store to get a sanitary napkin. That was the last straw for Kim so she politely showed her the door.
Kandi talks with her image consultant and plans for a photo shoot with her family. She takes photos with her fiance, her daughter and her mother. Everything was flowing well until they tried to get everyone into the photo. Even though Kandi knew that her mother despised AJ, she had planned to try and slide him into the picture with her, her mother, and her daughter. Kandi's mom is no fool, she realized what was happening and ever so sweetly dismissed herself from the photo. Kandi didn't want to create a scene and make matters worse so she left it alone.
As you can see, the housewives have so many things going on with them this season, it so hard to keep up!!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
More Like the "Desperate" Housewives of Atlanta
Once sworn enemies NeNe and Sheree are the best of friends, as they have both dumped Kim, who they feel is lying and manipulative. Kim is beyond desperate as her sugar daddy "Big Poppa" is no longer supplying her needs and she no longer has any girlfriends to turn to. She has plan to start her own line of wigs, as a small investment. NeNe is dealing with moving into her new home and getting her family situated in their new location. Sheree has new independence as she is settling her divorce and has bought her own "small and quite cozy" abode. Lisa and her husband are thinking about having another child before the biological tables are turned and it is too late. Kandi one of the "new" housewives is preparing for her wedding to AJ, who has 6 kids and 4 "baby mamas". To add more to her burdens, her mother does not approve of her marriage at ALL.
The seasons begins with tempers flaring starting off with not one but "TWO" fights. The first being between Sheree and her party planner for her "Independence Party". Sheree is upset because she is not included in any of the planning involved with her own party and lets the planner know exactly how she feels. Feeling disrespected, the planner lets her have it. The two go head to head, toe to toe. Sheree has indeed met her match.
To Watch this Battle:
The second fight flares when NeNe and Sheree decide to have a "Kim-tervention" to help sort out the drama and the lies that have been circulating. What was at first a very civil and mature conversation escalated into a all out yelling argument. The trio caused a major seen at the restaurant. The argument escalated and moved into the street where Sheree and Kim were face and to face. At this moment, Sheree had the nerve to pull Kim's hair, which we all know is a wig due to some "life-threatening" illness Kim claims to have. It seems that Sheree is definitely not playing around this time around!!
To Watch this Brawl:
As you can definitely see, this season is full of too much estrogen to handle!