Wednesday, September 16, 2009

More Like the "Desperate" Housewives of Atlanta

This season of "The Real Housewives of Atlanta" starts off with emotions flying everywhere as the drama is in full bloom.

Once sworn enemies NeNe and Sheree are the best of friends, as they have both dumped Kim, who they feel is lying and manipulative. Kim is beyond desperate as her sugar daddy "Big Poppa" is no longer supplying her needs and she no longer has any girlfriends to turn to. She has plan to start her own line of wigs, as a small investment. NeNe is dealing with moving into her new home and getting her family situated in their new location. Sheree has new independence as she is settling her divorce and has bought her own "small and quite cozy" abode. Lisa and her husband are thinking about having another child before the biological tables are turned and it is too late. Kandi one of the "new" housewives is preparing for her wedding to AJ, who has 6 kids and 4 "baby mamas". To add more to her burdens, her mother does not approve of her marriage at ALL.

The seasons begins with tempers flaring starting off with not one but "TWO" fights. The first being between Sheree and her party planner for her "Independence Party". Sheree is upset because she is not included in any of the planning involved with her own party and lets the planner know exactly how she feels. Feeling disrespected, the planner lets her have it. The two go head to head, toe to toe. Sheree has indeed met her match.

To Watch this Battle:

The second fight flares when NeNe and Sheree decide to have a "Kim-tervention" to help sort out the drama and the lies that have been circulating. What was at first a very civil and mature conversation escalated into a all out yelling argument. The trio caused a major seen at the restaurant. The argument escalated and moved into the street where Sheree and Kim were face and to face. At this moment, Sheree had the nerve to pull Kim's hair, which we all know is a wig due to some "life-threatening" illness Kim claims to have. It seems that Sheree is definitely not playing around this time around!!

To Watch this Brawl:

As you can definitely see, this season is full of too much estrogen to handle!

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